The walkie-talkie feature of the player uses the Telegram messager to deliver the messages as audio files. This means that the player can send sound to not just other players, but a phone. Similarly, a phone can send messages to the player, but this is a bit more complicated as Telegram will encode any recorded audio in the OGG format, which ESP is not capable of decoding. But a WAV file can always be sent manually.
When in a walkie-talkie mode, the player records sound while the volume button is pressed. When released, the recorded audio is sent to a specified telegram chat. Periodically, the player monitors new incomming messages and if any, downloads them so that they can be replayed. This also happens once a day automatically when the player synchronizes its time.
For the walkie-talkie to work, a Telegram Bot has to be created for the player and its ID and access token must be provided. A chat room must then exist where the player bot is present (a phone must do this as bots are not allowed to create rooms) and room id must be set (Chat Id). Finally, to enable the secure connection, a fingerprint, or certificate for the telegram bot website should be provided (unless the default one does not work).